Labour Advice in Mallorca
We know how complicated and tedious the different relations and obligations can be in many occasions when creating a business or simply setting yourself up on a self-employed basis. You’ll be able to delegate all of those responsibilities to our labour advisers who thanks to their knowledge and experience with the administration, will solve all of the obligations acquired with the Social Security and any other type of doubt which may arise in the labour field.
Our labour advice services are the following:
- · Affiliation to the Seguridad Social: Registry of businesses and self-employed individuals in the social security system.
- · Affiliation and un-affiliation of workers. Confection of payrolls and model quotas of social security, model TC1 and model TC2.
- · Dismissals.
- · Special schemes: self-employed, domestic employees, agricultural…
- · Benefits: Processing of disability, retirement, widow, maternity, death and survival, benefits, etc.
- · Planning and prevention of occupational hazards.
- · Affiliation: registry and de-registry.
- · Contingencies and protected situations.
- · Guestbook.
- · Reduction in working hours.
- · Claims for amounts, rights, sanctions, etc.